What is Enclomiphene Citrate and How Does it Work? 

Enclomiphene citrate is a potent compound that is effective for raising the testosterone level in men. Testosterone is the primary sexual hormone in men, and it is responsible for the physical expression of masculine traits, including the accumulation of lean muscle mass.

Enclomiphene citrate is designed for hormonal restoration but has caught the attention of several individuals in the fitness and athletic world due to its effectiveness in improving sports performance, boosting strength and stamina, accumulation of lean muscle mass, and improvement of blood flow. Below is a simple guide to understanding enclomiphene citrate and how it works.

Understanding Enclomiphene Citrate

Enclomiphene citrate is an active compound that has the ability to boost the production of testosterone. It is a non-steroidal compound that belong to a class of compounds known as selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). The action of this compound may help to build and maintain lean muscle mass, enhance libido, improve athletic performance in sports, and other overall health benefits.

The chemical structure of enclomiphene citrate is similar to the natural body estrogen, therefore allowing it to bind with estrogen receptors in the body. But unlike estrogen, enclomiphene citrate has unique properties that help it to stimulate the production of testosterone.

How Does Enclomiphene Citrate Work?

Before delving into how enclomiphene citrate itself works, it is crucial first to understand the natural hormonal regulation of testosterone in the body. The release and regulation of testosterone are guided by a complex feedback system that involves the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and testes.

When the body’s testosterone is low, the body produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that, in turn, stimulates the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins. These gonadotropins then stimulate the testes to produce testosterone.

On the reverse, when the body’s testosterone level is high, the hypothalamus reads the message and lowers the production of GnRH, which in turn reduces the production of gonadotropins and subsequently lowers testosterone production.

Therefore, enclomiphene citrate works by blocking the negative feedback of estrogen to the hypothalamus. That is, it prevents the hypothalamus from sending the signal that stops the production of GnRH, which leads to the continuous production of gonadotropins and, subsequently, the production of testosterone.

Benefits of Enclomiphene Citrate

Enclomiphene citrate is initially designed to treat testosterone-related conditions in the body, including infertility. It is useful for the restoration of normal hormonal levels in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
Other notable benefits of enclomiphene citrate include:

  • Building and maintaining lean muscle mass
  • Improves vascularization and blood circulation
  • Contains anti-aging properties
  • Useful in the treatment of gynecomastia
  •  Improve athletic performance
  • Boosts strength, performance, and stamina


Enclomiphene citrate is an active compound useful in the treatment of testosterone-related conditions. However, it is popular among bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes because of its ability to improve sports performance, build and retain muscle, and increase strength and stamina. However, usage of enclomiphene citrate requires caution. Consider consulting your professional healthcare practitioner before cycling the compound.

About the Author

Theresa Spencer

Social Media Manager for Oh Baby Foods. Owner & blogger at creativeoutpour.com. Jacqueline is a member of the Arkansas Women Bloggers & Northwest Arkansas Bloggers. She is a graduate of the University of the Ozarks & now lives in Fayetteville, AR with her husband Spencer, her daughter Katie & son Jackson.

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